New Year ....take it one day at a time

It's official. The New Year is here.  2016 has started and today is our first Monday of the year.  For many of us that means the first day back to work in 2016 or the first day the kids are back to school after winter vacations.

It's the beginning. A fresh start. A time to look and plan for the year ahead.

Many have started the year with resolutions.  A checklist of things that they want to do, to accomplish, to improve upon and change to make 2016 the best it can be.

I'm not opposed to some resolutions. I have a few goals for the year myself. But I am opposed to making sweeping and drastic changes, making a list of resolutions that we focus on and the fear we will fail if such resolutions don't come true.

I would argue than such sweeping changes undermine how awesome we are already!  When we make the list of "do this...change this...stop this....add this" it discredits the status quo.  It doesn't allow us to be happy in the present.  We keep focusing on the future and completely miss the joy, love, and perfection right in front of our faces!

Sure, can we make improvements? Always.  But that doesn't mean our current is bad.

So the challenge I throw out this year is to be present. That's my resolution.  To take each and every moment and be present and see all the perfection in front of my face.   We don't have to plan the future.  As the quote says, "the best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."  When we're always focused on the future, there are surely a lot of days we miss.  So stop.  Enjoy them. Each and every one of them.  Because those days (good, bad, crazy, exciting, draining, joyful, chaotic or relaxing) are what make up your future.  So live them.  Fully.

We don't have to have the "fake it til you make it" mentality. You've made it my friend. You're you.  You're loved. Just the way you are!


Calming Jar activity 101


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